Monday, March 24, 2014

PDF save as FILE

Well, that's the best way I can describe what was happening when a user would save a PDF from outlook.  If you left the file name alone, it would save fine, if you change the file name, it saves it as FILE.  The file will open up fine if you tell windows to use adobe to open the file, but its not automatically doing it.
Turns out changing the name was erasing the file extension (.pdf) causing the file to save as a blank file type.
The system is running Windows 7 professional.
Purchased March of 2014 from Dell.
The system is "up to date" according to MS updates.
According to "Roady"
This was a known issue that was fixed with SP2 and SP3
So I downloaded and installed Office 2007 SP3
and I am now able to "save as" PDFs from outlook as a different name, using the PDF format.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Not enough storage is available to process this command

1. Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
2. Find this key nameHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
3. Locate IRPStackSize
4. If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
5. The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
6. Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
7. Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok
8. You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.

Followed these steps exactly to fix an issue where the "storage" error popped up while attempting to print.

Adding 64bit print drivers to 32bit print server

We got a batch of new computers pre-loaded with 64bit Windows.  We are currently a 32bit shop, so this left me with 2 options, reload all the computers with 32bit Windows, or locate 64bit drivers.  Now, we have some old printers, but I figured I'd give the 64bit drivers a chance.

Step 1, find 64bit drivers.
Then connect to the print server
Right Click the printer in question and go to Properties
On the Sharing Tab, go to Additional Drivers
Put a check in the x64 checkbox, browse to the location of your drivers and open.

That was easy.

"The specified location does not contain the driver for the requested processor architecture"?  What?

So to get past this, you'll need a 64bit machine.

Browse to the print server (//printserver/printer) and add the printer.  You'll get a message saying the driver wasn't found, at which point you will browse to the 64bit driver you've already located.
Once the printer is successfully installed (*which it should be, I'll go over something that happened to me in a minute) go to the printer properties on the 64bit machine, Sharing Tab, Additional drivers and put a checkmark in the x64 checkbox.
You can now add this printer to 32 and 64bit machines.

*One of the printers had a different printer driver on the server, when adding to the 64bit machine, the 64bit driver has to match the 32bit driver on the server.  Ex) PCL5 on the server, you need 64bit PCL5 driver.  If the drivers don't match in this way, you'll get an error about not locating a suitable driver.  You can mismatch drivers, but you won't be able to connect through the print server, you'll have to connect directly to the printers IP.  Which is completely acceptable, if you don't mind having to manually setup each person that wants to print from that printer.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...