Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Red X in outlook, already went through all the standard fixes...

Windows 7
Outlook 2007

So you have these in Outlook:

The good old "can't see shit" red x.

You've probably gone through the Trust Center, to make sure "Don't download pictures automatically in HTML email messages..." box is UNCHECKED.

You've probably already opened a new message, clicked the office icon and gone to editor options>Advanced and made sure Show picture placeholders is unchecked.

You may have even gone to the registry and made sure the Secure Temp folder is both A. not full, and B. has the correct path.  (By the way, that key in W7/Outlook 2007 is: HKCU>Software>Microsoft>Office>12.0>Outlook>Security)

Have you check IE LAN settings to make sure Auto Detect is checked?  Stupid right?  I checked that too...  none of this did anything for me.

Have you read how Outlook doesn't handle https images correctly, resulting in red x's?  I read that too.  If you've done all this, you probably read the same forum article I did.  And the fix that finally worked was nestled toward the end.

!!!!!!!!!THE FIX!!!!!!!!!

What it ended up being was an IE setting.
Under Security, remove the checkmark in Do not save encrypted pages to disk

Thank you Mr. dajonline.  You're a life saver.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

DL380 g4 no video

A previously working DL380
Plan to add drives to raid, currently raid is 3 drives.

Added drives, no boot.
Drives spin up, green lights on everything, eventually it appears to boot to the previous raid drives.  New drives have no lights, old drives have green.  No video.
No POST beeps.
Looked online, reseated the PCI riser, no change.
Added PCI video card. nothing.

Looked for lose connections, nothing.
took it out of the rack and sat it on a desk and took another look inside.  One of the memory modules was lose on the corner closest to the faceplate so I couldn't see this when it was in the rack, the fans blocked it.
It wasn't popped out much.  The hold down clip was undone slightly.
I don't remember touching the memory, but I must have.

So if your DL380 looks like its working fine but you have no video.  Check memory.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

remotely restart a windows 7 computer, or maybe any windows OS

cmd > type: shutdown -i
Add the computer you want to restart
complete the rest of the form and restart.
(I also use this when I'm in remote desktop and need to reboot the computer I'm on.)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Taking down old DNS server ends the internet...

Moving from 2003 to 2012 servers.
Multiple DCs running DNS
Shut down the last 2003 DC, all DNS fails.

Final DC was running the proxy server.  Turned off service, internet still worked.
Turned off DNS, internet stops working.

Turns out the other DNS servers weren't relying on the root hints, they forwarding traffic to one server that no longer exists, along with the last 2003 DC running DNS.

To view this, go to your Fowarders, DNS Manager>Click the server under DNS>Forwarders tab.  Similar to how you get to your root hints (
Edit and remove old servers from here.

Note:  I had the checkmark in Use Root hints if no forwarders are available, but it still didn't use the root hints when the old 2003 server was offline.  DNS just stopped working.

Well, if I hope this helps someone out there.  I don't want to believe I'm THAT bad at computering.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...