Friday, October 23, 2015

Cisco VPN connected, unable to access network

User is connected to VPN.  Able to ping user computer from inside the network.  User is able to complete one ping request to internal server, others time out.
Things I did:
Disconnected and reconnected the VPN, no change.
Looking at IPs, I noticed what IPCONFIG gave me, and what the cisco adapter said were different.  Weird.
Anyway, to fix it, I ended the Cisco Anyconnect program, started it up and reconnected.  It pulled a new IP and I was able to access the network again.

This could have been a timing thing, but after I ended all the processes for Cisco and reconnected it, everything went back to normal.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Finding past logins / How to see when someone logged on

I was recently tasked with finding computer login times for multiple users.
The internet seemed to make it a daunting task, talking about needing to have things setup before hand to track.
Here's what I did:
I opened Event Viewer on my computer.
Right Click Event Viewer on the tree and select Connect to Another Computer
Expand Windows Logs
Select Security logs
Filter Current Log for Event ID 4648
4624 is also a logon event, but there's way more of them.  4648 is less frequent, and coincided with first logon.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...