Friday, April 15, 2016

Change Outlook menu font size

Change Outlook Menu Font Size without changing DPI or Resolution.

Windows 7
Outlook 2007

We all know how to change all the fonts and Icons here:
But often that breaks other programs by making things too big to read, making things too big for their containers, etc.

I'm sure we've also gone and adjusted resolution, ending in occasionally disastrously blurry results.

On some walkthroughs, it says to change the text on the above display menu. As you can see, I have no option for that. Luckily, Mr Bojangles pointed me to my resolution:

Control panel, Appearance and Personalization, Personalization, Windows Color, Advanced appearance settings...

For Item, select Menu, and adjust Font Size to whatever the user likes.

Well, this has been a pain in the ass for me, working with... mature... users (blind as a bat doesn't seem PC). But now that I know how to change it properly, it should make my life, and theirs, a lot easier.

Hope this helped.

Friday, April 8, 2016

DFS not synching files

I had a number of files not being synced from one server to another.
Without going into much of the troubleshooting, it ended up being a simple issue.
 a single character.


For some reason, they saved the file with a ~ in front of it. (I say 'some reason' but I know the reason... to have the file go to the top of the list.)

DFS saw these as temp files and didn't sync them. Good on DFS, bad on users.

Tired of mapping printers?

If you're like me, you've discovered giving admin rights to users is a bad idea.
Initially I gave them admin rights because I was naive and thought I could trust them.
It worked out nice for me in that I didn't have to log out, or enter credentials to add things like printers.
Well after some completely fubar'd computers, I took the admin rights away.
Then my days started to get busy with adding printers and installing drivers.
I learned you can push printers through Group Policy!
There's two things you'll need to do to get ready for this.
First... have 2012 domain controllers (2003 is done and 2008 is 8 years old at the time of this writing.)
I used my Domain Controller to run Print Management, so if you don't have it installed, you will have to add that role to your server.
Second, have a second server (preferably VM, its 2016 people!) running as your print server.
(I'm not going to tell you how to run your environment, but I like to separate DCs from File and Print servers, but you can run it all together if you want.)

Deploying printers via group policy

Step one, add and share all your printers to your print server
Step two, go to the server running print management
  1. Open Print Management.
  2. In the left pane, click Print Servers, click the applicable print server, and click Printers.
  3. In the center pane, right-click the applicable printer, and then click Deploy with Group Policy.
  4. In the Deploy with Group Policy dialog box, click Browse, and then choose or create a new GPO for storing the printer connections.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Specify whether to deploy the printer connections to users, or to computers:
    • To deploy to groups of computers so that all users of the computers can access the printers, select the The computers that this GPO applies to (per machine) check box.
    • To deploy to groups of users so that the users can access the printers from any computer they log onto, select the The users that this GPO applies to (per user) check box.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to add the printer connection setting to another GPO, if necessary.
  9. Click OK.

What about admin rights you ask?

1. Open the GPMC.
2. Open the GPO where the printer connections are deployed, and navigate to Computer Configuration, Policies, Administrative Templates, and then Printers.

3. Right-click Point and Print Restrictions, and then click Properties.

4. Click Enabled.

5. Clear the following check boxes if they are check (probably aren't)
  • Users can only point and print to these servers

  • Users can only point and print to machines in their forest
6. In the When installing drivers for a new connection box, select Do not show warning or elevation prompt.

7. Scroll down, and in the When updating drivers for an existing connection box, select Show warning only.

8. Click OK.

Do these two things, and you'll probably never have to add printers again. It also makes it easy if say, your print server is a 2003 and you need to upgrade it to 2008 or 2012, or 2016 or whatever.


The above does work, but if you already had shared printers, it just adds them on top. Now we want to remove those through GPO, this is possible.

Here is an indepth look with screenshots:

What I did:
Step one:
List the shared printer in the Directory.
This is done in the Printer Properties, on the Sharing tab.

Step two:
Go to User Configuration, Preferences, Control Panel Settings, Printers
New>Shared Printer
Action Delete
put the check mark in Delete all shared printer connections

Duplicate the previous steps, instead of Delete, select Create.
Use the [...] to locate the printer to add, repeat for all needed printers.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...