Thursday, May 12, 2016

Unable to expand the Folder Pane in Outlook 2016

Environment: Windows 7 64bit running Office 2016 apps.
Outlook 2016

Having trouble expanding the Folder Pane (the left pane) in Outlook 2016?
I was.
I was able to slide it to the left, making it smaller (minimized view) but wasn't able to expand it right so I could read everything.
If you're having this issue...
Try changing the Reading Pane to Bottom or Off. Can you adjust the Folder Pane now? I was able to. I put the Reading Pane back to the right and its allowing me to expand the Folder Pane still, weird.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Configuring MDT for windows 10 deployment

In the technet article I ran into a problem pretty much right away.

When creating the share, it wants you to powershell it with the following commands:
New-Item -Path E:\Logs -ItemType directory
New-SmbShare ?Name Logs$ ?Path E:\Logs -ChangeAccess EVERYONE
icacls E:\Logs /grant '"MDT_BA":(OI)(CI)(M)'

That second one doesn't work... unless you replace the ? with a -
New-SmbShare -Name Logs$ -Path E:\Logs -ChangeAccess EVERYONE

Then it creates it correctly.

Hope this helps, I'm new at powershell and this was incredibly frustrating.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

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