Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Xerox Workcentre not pingable by Hostname

Requested Host Name is not verified, have you seen this on your Xerox WorkCentre?
Well I finally got this working.

In my environment, I have assigned all my printers a static IP address, which is then shared through a print server, I know, revolutionary right?
In the near future we'll be going through a re-IP, so my static assignments aren't going to work. On all my other printers (HP, Ricoh, Brother) I was able to add a host name, ping the host name, and share the printer via a port based on that hostname instead of the IP. Now I can put that printer into DHCP, ready for the re-ip.

The Xerox did not want to play. And the kicker, the Xerox printers aren't in the office I'm in. So I was afraid to go DHCP and lose connection.
Luckily I work with some pretty smart people, and it was suggested I put a reservation for the device based on its MAC. Brilliant.
So I did that, went to DHCP, success. It pulled the right address and I was connected. The other cool part is the Host Name verified.
Ping test? success!

This re-IP might not be that bad after all.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Enabling Telnet on cisco switch

After setting up my switch I could ping it and access the UI, but couldn't Telnet into it, because I didn't turn it on...

switch#config t
switch(config)#line vty 0 4
switch(config-line)#password <password>
(this doesn't require the <>, you just put the password. Ex, if you want the password to be Password1 it would look like this:
switch(config-line)#password Password1
that's it)

now test it

switch#telnet (IP of switch)

once connection is verified, save it.

switch#write memory
switch#copy running-config startup-config

Double saved.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Making Cisco switch pingable

If you're like me, you went through the initial setup wrong and need to do the following:

 (remember to enable)

Switch# write erase Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]y[OK] Erase of nvram: complete Switch# Switch# reload

This will run for a while... a long while

In my case, I wanted to assign an IP to the vlan 1 (why? I don't know, I just did OK?)

Ok, so after that:
switch#config t
switch[config]#interface vlan 1
switch[config-if]#ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
(second set of x.x.x.x for subnet)
switch[config]#ip routing
switch[config]#show running-config
(make sure ip routing is listed)
switch[config]#interface vlan 1
switch[config-if]#ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
switch[config-if]#no shutdown
switch#write memory
switch#copy running-config startup-config
(hit enter on the save prompt)

now that IP routing is turned on, you won't be able to ping from another subnet... until:

switch#config t
switch[config]#ip route (ip of router)

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...