Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Google Bing and Duckduck go redirecting

Note: This was a very specific issue I ran across in my environment. It came down to my Meraki MX84. It was running firmware 14.39 at the time, but I don't think that had anything to do with the issue.

The issue:

Search engines and are being redirected. Yahoo comes up, but the search doesn't work. On some computers there is a TLS error, implying I am not running the right TLS settings (I had all checked). Others are being redirected to
I am able to get to using a proxy server (good old, or as of 2019).  But it thinks I'm a bot and the search itself isn't working.

Running a traceroute, some went to google's IP, others went to a
I initially ignored that and kept troubleshooting, but that was key information.

On the MX84, there is content filtering. Under Search Filtering, I had Web search filtering as well as Restrict YouTube content enabled. These were forcing the safe search option in the three browsers, and breaking the connection to the websites. Disabling the search filtering fixed my problem. If you're experiencing the same, might want to check content filtering on the firewall.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

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