Monday, March 16, 2020

Slow NAS with Ubuntu and mapping a sabma share to fix it

Installed TerraMaster F4-210 with Refurb Hitachi 7k4000 drives in Raid 0, so it should have been pretty fast.
When connecting to the drive and moving files, I was sitting at about 50MB/sec, a few spikes to 60, and some drops to 40. While disappointed, I saw people getting more like 30MB/sec, so I figured that's all I'd get.
Moving on, I knew that I needed to have the NAS mount on boot for my Plex server, so I looked into that. I used a Samba share, using this website's directions:
sudo mkdir /[name]

My fstab entry:

(remember, sudo gedit to get to the graphical text editor to edit this file)
//[SAMBA IP/FOLDER] /{DIRECTORY] cifs credentials=/[PATH TO CREDENTIAL FILE],uid=1000,gid=1000 0

for the credential file, create a doc with:

Install cifs with sudo apt install cifs-utils

Cool, this works.


When I went to transfer files to my NAS, I jumped to 75MB/sec steady. Some spikes to 88MB/sec as well.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

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