Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Unable to convert O365 mailbox to shared mailbox

Converting a mailbox to a shared mailbox is normally pretty easy in Office 365.
Log into the Admin center, Users, locate the user, expand Mail Settings (you will see this if the user has proper licensing and you have proper admin level) and click on the Convert to shared Mailbox option

Easy Peasy.
So you're running O365 and you're thinking 'Boy, it would be nice to have at least the same password between my local AD and Office 365.'
So you do that, pretty simple.
But wait, what's this? A user left and now you need to convert them to a shared mailbox so everyone can view their email and pretend to be them. (insert your own personal reason for making a user mailbox shared)
You follow the same steps as before, but the option isn't there.

This is because the account is now Synced with a local active directory.
Donezo, right? I guess its time to give all the users full access rights on this mailbox... But wait, there's more!
If you move the terminated user, or whatever the reason, to a NON syncing OU, the account will soft delete.
I know DELETE is scary, but this is a soft scary. Think lion or koala, just kidding, its not that bad.
Now that the account is no longer an active user, it will show up in Deleted Users in Admin

Find the user here, and Restore the user, you can set a password or let it do a random password, doesn't really matter.
Once that is done, the account will now be "In Cloud" and you can convert it to a shared mailbox.

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