Monday, December 15, 2014

System file checker found some corrupt files, but couldn’t fix them.
What should I do next?
dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth 
Once that is done, run sfc/ scannow again and it should come up clean.

This works on Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Adding groups to public folders powershell Exchange 2013

When I went through the Exchange Admin Center, I was only able to add user mailboxes to public folders, I wasn't able to add security groups.
After a quick bit of searching I found this script that let me add the group:
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity \PublicFolderName -AccessRights publishingeditor -user GroupName

Change PublicFolderName to the name of the public folder and change GroupName to the name of the group you want to have access to the public folder.

Go here to run the script:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Red X in outlook, already went through all the standard fixes...

Windows 7
Outlook 2007

So you have these in Outlook:

The good old "can't see shit" red x.

You've probably gone through the Trust Center, to make sure "Don't download pictures automatically in HTML email messages..." box is UNCHECKED.

You've probably already opened a new message, clicked the office icon and gone to editor options>Advanced and made sure Show picture placeholders is unchecked.

You may have even gone to the registry and made sure the Secure Temp folder is both A. not full, and B. has the correct path.  (By the way, that key in W7/Outlook 2007 is: HKCU>Software>Microsoft>Office>12.0>Outlook>Security)

Have you check IE LAN settings to make sure Auto Detect is checked?  Stupid right?  I checked that too...  none of this did anything for me.

Have you read how Outlook doesn't handle https images correctly, resulting in red x's?  I read that too.  If you've done all this, you probably read the same forum article I did.  And the fix that finally worked was nestled toward the end.

!!!!!!!!!THE FIX!!!!!!!!!

What it ended up being was an IE setting.
Under Security, remove the checkmark in Do not save encrypted pages to disk

Thank you Mr. dajonline.  You're a life saver.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

DL380 g4 no video

A previously working DL380
Plan to add drives to raid, currently raid is 3 drives.

Added drives, no boot.
Drives spin up, green lights on everything, eventually it appears to boot to the previous raid drives.  New drives have no lights, old drives have green.  No video.
No POST beeps.
Looked online, reseated the PCI riser, no change.
Added PCI video card. nothing.

Looked for lose connections, nothing.
took it out of the rack and sat it on a desk and took another look inside.  One of the memory modules was lose on the corner closest to the faceplate so I couldn't see this when it was in the rack, the fans blocked it.
It wasn't popped out much.  The hold down clip was undone slightly.
I don't remember touching the memory, but I must have.

So if your DL380 looks like its working fine but you have no video.  Check memory.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

remotely restart a windows 7 computer, or maybe any windows OS

cmd > type: shutdown -i
Add the computer you want to restart
complete the rest of the form and restart.
(I also use this when I'm in remote desktop and need to reboot the computer I'm on.)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Taking down old DNS server ends the internet...

Moving from 2003 to 2012 servers.
Multiple DCs running DNS
Shut down the last 2003 DC, all DNS fails.

Final DC was running the proxy server.  Turned off service, internet still worked.
Turned off DNS, internet stops working.

Turns out the other DNS servers weren't relying on the root hints, they forwarding traffic to one server that no longer exists, along with the last 2003 DC running DNS.

To view this, go to your Fowarders, DNS Manager>Click the server under DNS>Forwarders tab.  Similar to how you get to your root hints (
Edit and remove old servers from here.

Note:  I had the checkmark in Use Root hints if no forwarders are available, but it still didn't use the root hints when the old 2003 server was offline.  DNS just stopped working.

Well, if I hope this helps someone out there.  I don't want to believe I'm THAT bad at computering.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Added computer to domain, doesn't show up in Active Directory

I recently had a computer crash.  So I reloaded it, named it the same thing and added it to the Domain.
I made sure to delete the previous entry before joining the domain.
The computer asked for domain credentials, and successfully added itself.
So I rebooted and I was able to log in with domain accounts.


There's always a however...

The computer didn't show up in Active Directory Computers.
It didn't show up anywhere in AD.

I went back to the computer, removed it from the domain and added again.
Standard procedure.  Says welcome to the domain and requires a restart.  I oblige.

Check AD, still not there...

I thought I'd change the name, didn't work because the computer account wasn't found...

So here is how I got it to work:
Removed the computer from the domain.
Renamed computer.
Joined domain.
Verified account in AD.
Changed name on computer.
Verified account in AD, it was now the name I wanted to use.

All done.

Stupid PITA.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Use robocopy to move shares from one server to another

old 2003 appliance server
new 2012 r2 on vmware.

On the 2012 server, run cmd as administrator:
robocopy \\(server where the files live)\share \\(server you want the files to go)\share /copyall /mir

This moved all folders, files and permissions.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Outlook sync issue 0X8004010F

For me it was referencing the offline address book.

What I did to fix it:
Removed exchange account, close outlook
Deleted .ost from c:\users\username\app data\local\microsoft\outlook
(make sure you have show hidden files checked.  Organize>Folder and Search Options>View>Hidden files and folders)
Added exchange account through control panel (control panel>mail>email accounts>new)
Opened outlook
No more Sync issues.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Fields with this icon cannot be edited due to insufficient access

Exchange 2010 environment
You need to be part of the Organizational Environment in AD.

Locate your account in Active Directory Users and Computers
Member Of tab
Organizational Environment
Log off and back on to the server and you're good to go.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Unable to open FTP site in windows explorer

Check to see if the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/ftp exists.
On a computer I was working on, this key wasn't there.  Export the key from a computer that has it and import it into the bad computer's registry.

Try again.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

CMD resource

The one I use the most:
    View all domain controllers-
    DSQUERY Server

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creating bootable USBs

So I have a laptop with no CD drive, and I want to put windows 7 on it instead of windows 8 (user preference). I found one thread online that said just to move the files to the bootable usb drive. So I did this without really think I had to do anything to make the USB bootable. No go. So I found this this useful : I used the DISKPART portion to format the usb and then I moved the files from the system generated repair disk (Backup Restore, Create a system image). Worked like charm.
Open the command prompt: "Run" -> CMD
And then type the following commands:
·         DISKPART · (This command will open the tool "diskpart")
·          list disk · (Look for the No. assigned to your USB key from the list that appears)
·          select disk 3 · (Where No. 3 correspond to your USB key)
·          clean
·          (This will delete this partition)
·          create partition primary
·          (Create a new partition)
·          active
·          (This will make your partition active - bootable)
·          format fs=fat32 quick
·          (Quick format in "fat32")
·          assign
·          (To assign a letter to your USB drive)
·          exit
·          (To exit diskpart)
·          exit
·          (To close the command prompt)

I had intended to boot to the recovery 'cd' and load a premade image from another computer, but because of HD size differences (HD the image was based on was bigger) I ended up not being able to pull the previous image. And the USB drive I was using wasn't big enough to have a complete w7 install on it (Dell factory CD) so I ended up formatting an external hard drive in FAT32 moved the contents of the w7 repair disk and that worked. The External HD wasn't anything big, 80GB, but I was getting an error saying the format failed because the volume was too large... yay.
To shrink the volume in diskpart, type in:
shrink desired=##### 
Replace the number signs with the amount you want to shrink it by. With my 80GB hd, I shrunk it by 50000, roughly 48GB and I was then able to format with FAT32(quick) and make it bootable.

In the future, I think I'll just get an external CD drive.

Printer Hell

I've spent way to much time fiddling with printers...
Some good things I've come across:

Need to remove print drivers from a windows 7 computer?
Enter CMD as admin
printui /s /t2
remove those printer drivers.

I've recently had a few computers that have the spooler crash when trying to print, add, or remove printers.
If you go to \windows\system32\spool there will be a few folders

Remove all the files from PRINTERS and SERVERS and see if the spooler stays steady.  It did for me.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Public Folder contact list missing from Other Contacts

In a perfect world, you would do the following to add a public folder contact to your contacts list.

Go to the public folder, right click and add to Favorites.

Other things you can do...

Go to the Public Folder Contact, right click the Contact, Properties, go to the Outlook Address Book tab, and click the check mark for Show this folder as an email Address Book.

Once this is done, you can verify it is in your contact by clicking on the address book icon
Now right click on the Contact again and click Add to Favorites, it should now show up in Contacts under Other Contacts.

Showing the folder as an email Address Book alone will NOT put the contact into your Contacts pane.  You will either have to both check the box and add to favorites, or simply add to favorites.  If its in favorites, delete from the favorites and add it again.  If its still not showing up in Other Contacts, delete the .ost file.
I had a user that had nothing in Other Contacts, even though the specific contacts were already in Favorites in Public Folders.  I deleted the .ost file and it came back.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Backup Exec failing on corrupt files

Obviously corrupt files are a problem of their own, but to get past them and backup everything you can, go here in the registry (on the BU Exec server obviously)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SYMANTEC\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Backup
the key is called Failed Jobs On Corrupt Files
if its not there, create it.
Edit > Add  Value
Value name = Fail Jobs On Corrupt Files
Data Type = DWORD
Value Data = 0

That's it, set the Value Data to 0 and the job will complete.  Corrupt files will be skipped.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

iPhone cannot verify server identity, exchange active sync

Recently a user was getting this error on their iPhone:
Cannot verify server identity

Long story short its due to server certificates and various IOS's.  The users impacted had IOS 7, but it looks like an on and off issue since IOS 4.
The solution I found was to manually install the server certificate on the phone.

Get a copy of the CA certificate, either by emailing it to yourself or the user, or having it loaded on an FTP or something like that.

Tap the certificate and tap install.  Enter your passcode and you're done.

There is a great walk through for adding the certificates with screen shots here:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

updating windows server time

Occasionally I'll have a server go out of time.
There are lots of how to's on the internet, so rather than going into that, I'll just put what worked for me.

w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:(online time server, ex: /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update

Depending on how the fonts show up, I'll rewrite that with (space) instead of spaces.


Also, here is a list of available time servers:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Error in LAMP when restarting Apache2

when installing LAMP per the instructions here:

which was essentially:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql
sudo mysql_install_db
sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt
sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf
adding index.php to the beginning of this config file
<IfModule mod_dir.c>

          DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.cgi index.php index.xhtml index.htm


sudo apt-get install php5-common
sudo nano /var/www/info.php
configure file with:
sudo service apache2 restart

It was at that moment that I got the following error:

apache2: Syntax error on line 211 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 5 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf: </IfModule> without matchin <IfModule> section
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.!

Now, typing it all out I can clearly see what was wrong.  Inadvertently I deleted the first < while editing the dir.conf file in the red highlighted step.

So if you're bad at keyboarding like I am, and screw up the same way, this might help you.

I choo-choo-choose you to open APT

As I mentioned in my previous Ubuntu post, I ran into a snag trying to install Flash (which it turns out I didn't need anyway...)
When I went to Adobe, I see it auto detected I was running a Linux OS, things are looking up, this might be a 'windows' easy install!  So I selected APT for Ubuntu 10+.
Uh oh... This link needs to be opened with an application.  Send to:  uh... what?
So after some trial and error following different fix its (reinstalling the software center was one.  Cool thing I've noticed about Ubuntu is how fast you can uninstall and reinstall programs. That fix didn't work for me btw, I never got Software Center as an option to open apt links.)
The answer was found in a program called apturl, located in the bin folder of usr, which is located in File System.  You can get to that by clicking on the Home Folder on your tool bar.  The Home Folder seems to be equivalent to My Computer, or Computer on a windows machine.
So you click Choose... and here is where you need to go.  Again, that was File System/usr/bin

It doesn't hurt to remember this choice, I'll probably eat those words later, but whatever.

So after that you just go through the prompts, affirming and clicking whatever button lets you continue.

Youtube is all scrambled Ubuntu 12.04

So I'm giving Ubuntu a try, so far I like it enough.  I'm running it on an older HP desktop, but the OS itself seems decently fast.  Seems faster then when it was running XP, could be placebo.  I enjoy the way you can install/uninstall through terminal.
After getting it all up and running I head over to youtube where I waste... er... spend? a good amount of time.  There was a check mark during Ubuntu's install that said something about installing 3rd party apps to run things like flash, so I should be good to go... or so I thought.
I pull up Chocolate Rain, and I see the following screen:
 Well this certainly isn't enjoyable... its like watching scrambled Cable.
I check for flash and verify its installed, which it was.  So I decided what the heck, go over to Adobe and install the newest flash player they have.  This brought be to some issues with opening apt files, which I'll get into later.  Regardless, after figuring out why it wouldn't open, I got flash installed, but I was still watching the scrambled cable variety of youtube.  While it gave a nice slimming effect to everything, it wasn't to my liking.
Uninstall/reinstall time.
I initially went to the Software Center to install flash (after installing from the website, the Software Center version looked like it was available for install) but when I clicked it, I got a warning saying I needed to remove the following files:


As far as I could tell, the app from the Software Center was adobe-flashplugin, but whatever.  So I installed the both of them using:

sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin
sudo apt-get remove adobe-flash-properties-gtk

If it asks for a password, the password is your login password.

So these uninstalled, and I attempted the Adobe Flash Plugin from the Software Center.  I closed out of the Software Center and tried the video again.

It asked to install flash, but the video started playing, Firefox OBVIOUSLY doesn't know what its talking about, right?  On the next video I clicked on, back to scrambled youtube, what the frick?  Turns out the adobe Flash Plugin was still loading. So I sudo'd the flash away, and youtube played.  It was choppy at the beginning, but this computer is kind of shit, after letting it buffer all was well.
But I didn't have flash.  Which Youtube initially tells me I need, before loading the video anyway...
Other sites that use flash still don't work.  As demonstrated below.
 But when I install flash, that gets all scrambled anyway.

So yeah, uninstall Flash if you want Youtube to work?  Don't ask me, I just work here.  I don't know if this is specific to my exact setup, or if other people come across this, either way, Youtube is obviously more important to me than having Flash.  I'm assuming it uses whatever protocol Youtube uses when it plays on Apple products when Flash isn't detected, since they don't like Flash either.

If you know of a real work around for this, that would be awesome!  Leave it in the comments and I'll try it out.

Monday, March 24, 2014

PDF save as FILE

Well, that's the best way I can describe what was happening when a user would save a PDF from outlook.  If you left the file name alone, it would save fine, if you change the file name, it saves it as FILE.  The file will open up fine if you tell windows to use adobe to open the file, but its not automatically doing it.
Turns out changing the name was erasing the file extension (.pdf) causing the file to save as a blank file type.
The system is running Windows 7 professional.
Purchased March of 2014 from Dell.
The system is "up to date" according to MS updates.
According to "Roady"
This was a known issue that was fixed with SP2 and SP3
So I downloaded and installed Office 2007 SP3
and I am now able to "save as" PDFs from outlook as a different name, using the PDF format.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Not enough storage is available to process this command

1. Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
2. Find this key nameHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
3. Locate IRPStackSize
4. If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
5. The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
6. Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
7. Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok
8. You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.

Followed these steps exactly to fix an issue where the "storage" error popped up while attempting to print.

Adding 64bit print drivers to 32bit print server

We got a batch of new computers pre-loaded with 64bit Windows.  We are currently a 32bit shop, so this left me with 2 options, reload all the computers with 32bit Windows, or locate 64bit drivers.  Now, we have some old printers, but I figured I'd give the 64bit drivers a chance.

Step 1, find 64bit drivers.
Then connect to the print server
Right Click the printer in question and go to Properties
On the Sharing Tab, go to Additional Drivers
Put a check in the x64 checkbox, browse to the location of your drivers and open.

That was easy.

"The specified location does not contain the driver for the requested processor architecture"?  What?

So to get past this, you'll need a 64bit machine.

Browse to the print server (//printserver/printer) and add the printer.  You'll get a message saying the driver wasn't found, at which point you will browse to the 64bit driver you've already located.
Once the printer is successfully installed (*which it should be, I'll go over something that happened to me in a minute) go to the printer properties on the 64bit machine, Sharing Tab, Additional drivers and put a checkmark in the x64 checkbox.
You can now add this printer to 32 and 64bit machines.

*One of the printers had a different printer driver on the server, when adding to the 64bit machine, the 64bit driver has to match the 32bit driver on the server.  Ex) PCL5 on the server, you need 64bit PCL5 driver.  If the drivers don't match in this way, you'll get an error about not locating a suitable driver.  You can mismatch drivers, but you won't be able to connect through the print server, you'll have to connect directly to the printers IP.  Which is completely acceptable, if you don't mind having to manually setup each person that wants to print from that printer.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How do I get to the Group Policy Object Editor?

You type gpedit.msc in the run box.

I'm having a brain fart kind of day and couldn't remember this at all, and when I googled it, most responses were "open the group policy editor, then do...." so that didn't help much.  Since its so simple, its probably assumed you know how to get here.  Whatever internet, don't judge me.

Pulling local admin accounts on a windows system WITH POWERSHELL

 There’s a couple ways to get them, I’m sure you’ve been around the internet looking. The Powershell scripts I use: Get-LocalGroupMember -Gr...