Thursday, May 8, 2014

I choo-choo-choose you to open APT

As I mentioned in my previous Ubuntu post, I ran into a snag trying to install Flash (which it turns out I didn't need anyway...)
When I went to Adobe, I see it auto detected I was running a Linux OS, things are looking up, this might be a 'windows' easy install!  So I selected APT for Ubuntu 10+.
Uh oh... This link needs to be opened with an application.  Send to:  uh... what?
So after some trial and error following different fix its (reinstalling the software center was one.  Cool thing I've noticed about Ubuntu is how fast you can uninstall and reinstall programs. That fix didn't work for me btw, I never got Software Center as an option to open apt links.)
The answer was found in a program called apturl, located in the bin folder of usr, which is located in File System.  You can get to that by clicking on the Home Folder on your tool bar.  The Home Folder seems to be equivalent to My Computer, or Computer on a windows machine.
So you click Choose... and here is where you need to go.  Again, that was File System/usr/bin

It doesn't hurt to remember this choice, I'll probably eat those words later, but whatever.

So after that you just go through the prompts, affirming and clicking whatever button lets you continue.

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