Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Exchange 2003, Purge and Reconnect greyed out

Ok, so I'm a total noob with this exchange stuff.  I recently had an issue where a mailbox didn't delete when a user was deleted.  I was able to locate the mailbox in the Exchange System Manager.
(btw the path to the user store is admin groups, location, exchange server the account resides on, storage group, mailboxes)
When I would right click on the broken email box, I had Reconnect and Purge greyed out.  Turns out you have to run the cleanup agent first.
Right click on Mailboxes and the top option is Run Cleanup Agent.  When its done, you'll see a red x by the disconnected mailbox, you can now reconnect or purge the account.

Getting RTL8812au passed to Virtualbox VM (Ubuntu)

There are no guarantees, I just write these notes so I can come back to them. First, get the dongle working on the host OS. After going thro...