Friday, January 24, 2020

Windows update on Windows Terminal server (Powershell)

This is done on a core server 2016
in powershell

Install print services:

install-windowsfeature print-services

enable the print spooler:

set-service spooler -startuptype automatic

start the print spooler:
net start spooler

if you can't pint the print server, you may have to tweak the domain firewall. Or turn it off with:

set-netfirewallprofile -profile domain -enabled false

Then manage the printers through another server that runs a GUI because you're not a complete masochist.

Getting RTL8812au passed to Virtualbox VM (Ubuntu)

There are no guarantees, I just write these notes so I can come back to them. First, get the dongle working on the host OS. After going thro...